A couple of weeks ago we were invited to go to morning tea at one of our neighbors' house. Mrs. Wyatt made the most fantastic shortbread, and was kind enough to give me a copy of her mother's recipe. She did mention I was going to have to do a lot of stirring, since I did not have a mixer.
First, I would have to buy a pan and the needed ingredients, so off I went to the store to buy a pan, rice flour, butter and sugar icing (I think this is powered sugar.)
TAKE I- The first time I made the shortbread I mixed and stirred and mixed some more- trying to make sure it was creamy. In the end it turned out okay. It was a bit flat, and we thought it was because I only had a larger cooking pan. The good news was it was edible, but as Sophia said, it was not as good as Mrs. Wyatt's shortbread.
After waiting a couple of days for my arms and hands to rest from all the stirring, I tried again.
TAKE II- The second time I made the shortbread, I made sure I mixed, and stirred, and whipped (took a small break) and mixed and stirred some more. I doubled the batch, thinking this would make it thicker, since I still only have one cooking pan. Well, this batch turned out horrible. It was flat and full of butter. I thought perhaps I would have to have a mixer to make this recipe. Then I had a light bulb moment..... I forgot to double the flour. Ugh!!
My arms and hands needed a break so I pondered for a couple of days what I needed to do next. I decided I needed a mixer. We bought the cheaper hand mixer for $29- the rest were $45.00!
TAKE III- I put the butter in the large bowl with the sugar and turn the hand mixer on low. That mixer TOOK OFF!!!! I grabbed it with all of my might trying to keep it in the bowl. I thought perhaps the buttons were opposite (like everything else here) and switched to a different level, NOPE, now it was going even quicker. There was butter flying out of the bowl, and there was a haze of powered sugar all over the counter. I felt like one of those people who tries to control a big waxing machine while going across the floors!
Next I added the flour, gently mixing it in by hand first, and close my eyes as I turn on the mixer again. Off it flies, and I wondered if there was any way I could get both hands on the tiny mixer to try and gain some kind of control. I ducked and a piece of dough flew over my shoulder and landed on a cabinet. I looked down, and the floor was covered in a light powdery substance. It was hard to say if it was sugar or flour.
Finally, I have regained control, and put the dough into the pan- and off it goes into the oven.
It smelled good, but so did both the others. It looked good in the oven, but so did the others. Finally, it came time to pull out the shortbread. And...... I think there might be success!!