On our way someplace (not sure where, since I have no sense of direction), sweet Lily said from the back seat she needed a bathroom. Our helpful men in the front, began diligently looking for a restroom sign- or a toilet as it is called in Kiwi Land. Soon, they spotted a sign, and a right turn we took.
After 8 kilometers on gravel road we finally found a recreational center. As we pulled in, the director came out to greet us and pointed us to the toilets. She also told us that down the road there was the biggest landslide in all that had ever happened in New Zealand. Wow! So off we headed down the gravel road...
Several kilometers later we had seen several waters falls, beautiful trees, some birds- but no landslide (that occurred 12,000 years ago).
Several more kilometers later, dusty dirt seeped into the van from the gravel road, people became wiggling in their seats, and then there were questions coming from the back rows of the van. When will we be there? What does the slide look like? How much longer? All of which were very good and legitimate questions, if I may say so myself.
A few more kilometers later, we stopped to admire a waterfall, took some photos and pondered our next step. At this point, we were at least 20 kilometers past the toilet, and remember it took us 8 kilometers to get there. Should we go back, or keep driving forward. Well, we were out of an adventure, so forward we headed!!!
Finally, we arrived! What an amazing 12,ooo year old landslide! We were actually standing on the slide, so there was really nothing to see or take a picture of! We took some photos, and there was a wonderful forest filled with moss dripping from the trees. There was a rainbow and a beautiful landscape. Was it worth the drive- that would be debated by some of the passengers.
PS- Once we finally headed back to the main road (back through the gravel road, past the rec center, then onto the highway over an hour and a half later) literally 20 feet past where we took our turn off the main road for out potty adventure-on the main highway there was a toilet sign!! Apparently, we had taken the wrong turn- it finally made sense why the recreation director greeted us! She was not used to strangers coming to use her toilets!!
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