Tuesday, May 11, 2010

That is a lot of water!!

We headed over to Te Anau in hopes of seeing the glow worms and Milford sound. As we headed out, it began to rain.

After 4 hours, we arrived in Te Anau, it was raining a lot harder! The glow worm caves were closed and the sound was closed, too. We spent the night, and it rained all night long.

Did I mention it was raining?

The next morning, we headed back home, as the weather was not clearing up. Farms that were once fields were lakes. The rivers were overflowing, and the ditches were filled and spilling onto the roadway.

Our scariest point, was when the road was down to one car going at a time across a flooded highway. There were workers on either side making sure cars could make it across. As we were in the middle, Carolyn was telling us how much the water was moving our car. There was a sign once we passed that said, "Dry your brakes." We had to ask the man how to do that!

Once we safely made it home to Dunedin, we saw on the news that section of road which was later closed, because a car had been washed off the road.

Here are some photos from our little adventure!

PS- We did find out this was the worst flooding the area has had in over 20 years!

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