Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Yummm- Vietnamese and Thai food in New Zealand

Today my husband took me for a tour of the University of Otago and then treated me to some lunch. He actually lost a bet, which is why we went out for lunch! He has been trying to get a faculty ID for the past week, and every time he goes there is something that keeps him from getting it. First the paperwork had not arrived, then they needed his passport, next they spelled his name wrong, etc. etc.

Lucky for me, I bet that he still would not have his id at the end of today! Good for me, bad for Stas.

Back to lunch..... I had an iced lemon drink, also know as a lemon cordial. In the States we call it a lemonade. If you ask for a lemonade here, you will get a Sprite! Stas has a Thai dish, which basically looked like fried rice wrapped up in a fried egg. It was quite good! I has a Vietnamese meat soup that was wonderful. However, it was a bit spicy. Thank goodness I had a cup of water, that I would soak my lips in every 2 minutes. Soaking your lips is when you pretend to be drinking the water, but really just let that cold water sit and cool off the spice!

We will have new pictures soon, and the camera is now fully charged and ready for use!

1 comment:

mrgill said...

be sure to bring the veit reciepe home with you Finally a way to slow you down !!! hehe onry old man down the block